The thermal stability of fuel elements is one of the factors that decide lifetime of fuel elements 在堆内运行环境下,燃料元件行为是影响燃料元件寿命的制约因素之一。
At the same time , cefr is the first pool - type lmfbr ( liquid metal fast breeder reactor ) using dacay heat removel system to remove core decay heat 另外, cefr又是世界上首次在堆内采用非能动手段来排出堆芯余热的池式快堆。
There are many equipments important to safety in - vessel of cefr , such as intermediate heat exchanger , decay heat exchanger , primary coolant pump , and core support structure 其堆内有许多涉及反应堆安全的重要部件,如中间热交换器,事故热交换器,一次主循环钠泵以及堆内支承等。
In order to get stress analysis and assessment to these equipments , it is necessary to understand clearly the thermal - hydraulical behavor in - vessel of cefr 为了能够对这些大型部件及结构材料的力学应力分析和评定提供温度和压力载荷,必须对整个堆内的热工水力行为有清楚的认识和把握。
Abstract : carbon dioxide was introduced into the wheat bulk stored in a brick silo through a duct system and was recirculated for even distribution till co2 concentration to 70 96 in wheat bulk 文摘:二氧化碳被导入一管道系统并使其在砖筒仓的粮堆内逐渐均匀分布,直到其在粮堆中的浓度达70以上。