基: base; foundation眼目: eyes a spy who reports to sb ...扁: small out-of-the-way卷: book螺: spiral shell; snail; conch科: a branch of academic or voca ...扁卷螺科: planorbidae扁卷螺科旋螺属: gyraulus基眼目: basommatophora扁卷螺科多脉扁螺属: polypylis扁卷螺: biomphalaria bulinus; planorbis扁卷螺属: planorbarius; planorbis; segmentina印度扁卷螺属: indoplanorbis隔扁螺亚科扁卷螺属: segmentina眼目: 1.(眼睛) eyes2.(为人通风报信的人) a spy who reports to sb. what he sees螺科: hydrobiidae扁卷虫: planorbulina平卷螺: planorbis溢基眼镜行: match optical co扁卷虫(有孔虫): planorbulina鲍螺科: haliotidae峨螺科: buccinidae凤螺科: strombidae冠螺科: cassididae黑螺科: melaniidae