基数: cardinal number; potency; ra ...数字: figure; digit; numeral; char ...基数数: radix number混合基数数: mixed-base number; mixed-radix number固定基数数制: fixed radix numeration混合基数数制: mixed radix numeration system函数数字: function digit小数数字: fractional digit单个整数数字: digit decimal数字输入基数: digital-input basic十进制数字 单个整数数字: digitdecimal数数: c counts; d-d digital-digital; reckon; spillikin自动对数数字式功率计: auto-log digital power meter基数: [数学] cardinal number; potency; radix; base; base quota; floor; cardinality; base number; basic value; radix number 以1965年的产量为基数 taking the output of 1965 as the base; 承包基数 the base quota of a contract代数数: algebraische zahl algebraic number数数,计算: count vt. tell or find the total number of数数儿: count; reckon 孩子们在学数数儿。 the children are learning how to count数数歌: numbers; the old man (knick-knick,patty-whack)数数狂: someone who compulsively counts objects数数目: keep count of学数数: learn how to count大基数: large cardinal带基数: based number底数;基数: base number负基数: negative base number