

  • basal septal line
  • :    base; foundation
  • :    bottom; base
  • 间隔:    interval; space; spacing; bl ...
  • 线:    thread; string; wire
  • 间隔线:    septal line


        :    base; foundation
        :    bottom; base
        间隔:    interval; space; spacing; bl ...
        线:    thread; string; wire
        间隔线:    septal line
        长间隔线:    long septal lines
        深间隔线:    deep septal line
        翼尖间隔线:    wing tip clearance line
        周围间隔线:    peripheral septal line
        段叶间隔线,克利间隔线:    interlobular septal lines
        釉质发育间隔线:    striae of retzius
        隔线:    linea diaphragmatica
        雷济厄线,釉质生长线,釉质发育间隔线:    striae of retzius
        分隔线:    demarcation; division line; line between; separation line; separator bar
        轿底间隙:    bottom clearances for car
        指底间隙:    web spaces
        基底:    basalia; base course; base of foundation; basement rock; basement-cover relationship; basis; bm; body; floor; foundation base; foundation bed; fundamental complex; fundus; ground; infrastructrue; infrastructure; planting; radical; radix; su trate; subbottom; subbase; substrate; substratum
        车道分隔线:    barrier line
        后纵隔线:    posterior mediastinal line
        禁用分隔线:    disable separator
        气室分隔线:    the chord line
        前纵隔线:    anterior mediastinal line
        通航分隔线:    traffic separation line
        胸膜纵隔线:    pleuro-mediastinal line
        间隔:    interval; space; spacing; blanking; blank; region; distance; gap; intermission 留间隔 space out; 间隔五米 an interval of five metres; 有一天时间的间隔 with an interval of one day; 没有间隔 without interval; 火车每间隔 15分钟开一班。 trains are running at 15 minute intervals. 写字的时候, 字与字之间要有均匀的间隔。 space your words evenly when you write


  1. "基底横推断层"英文
  2. "基底后台"英文
  3. "基底滑动"英文
  4. "基底肌"英文
  5. "基底棘,咽结节"英文
  6. "基底剪力"英文
  7. "基底剪切"英文
  8. "基底剪切面"英文
  9. "基底剪切系数"英文
  10. "基底胶结"英文


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