基: base; foundation尔: you瓦: tile; put tiles on a roof; c ...遗址: ruins; relics和: mix; blend松: pine戈: dagger-axe chaos caused by w ...拉: cut; slash; slit基尔瓦基斯瓦尼遗址和松戈马拉遗址: ruins of kilwa kisiwani and ruins of songo mnara拉遗址: ancient thira巴尔米拉遗址: site of palmyra帕尔米拉遗址: site of palmyra遗址: ruins; site; relics; remainder; monument; archaeological sites; remain 古城遗址 the ruins of an ancient city 城遗址: daiwang city site帕尔瓦遗迹: horbat parwa松戈马莉: songomali老巴拿马城考古遗址和巴拿马城历史区域: archaeological site of panama viejo and the historic district of panama戈马拉: gomara遗址飞鹅岭遗址: fei’eling site半坡遗址: banpo半山遗址: pan-shan site鲍石亭遗址: poseokjeong pavilion北京人遗址: site of peking man城头山遗址: chengtoushan绰墩遗址: site of chuodun