基于: because of; in view of; on a ...最优: optimal; optimum潮流: tide; tidal current; tidal w ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...实时: actual time; real time; true ...电价: electrovalence遗传: heredity; hereditary; inheri ...算法: algorithm实现: realize; achieve; bring abou ...最优潮流的实用化研究: achievements of practical optimal power flow基于进化规划的最优潮流算法: evolutionary programming solution of optimal power flow内点法的最优潮流算法: a new opf algorithm based on karmarkar’ interior point method算法实现: algorithm implementation遗传算法: genetic algorithms (ga); genetic analysis元遗传算法: meta genetic algorithm并行遗传算法: parallel genetic algorithm pga; parallelgeneticalgorithm,pga; pga很乱遗传算法: messyga,mga混合遗传算法: hybrid genetic algorithm hga基本遗传算法: simple genetic algorithm sga凌乱遗传算法: messy ga mga模糊遗传算法: fuzzy genetic algorithm改进最优潮流牛顿算法有效性的对策研究: some new strategies for improving the effectiveness of newton optimal power flow algorithm巨并行遗传算法: massively pga; massivelypga模糊控制遗传算法: fcga伪并行遗传算法: ppga