基于: because of; in view of; on a ...性别: sexual distinction; sex; sex ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...障碍: hinder; obstruct; rub; bar; ...基于性别的暴力: gender-based violence基于性别的不平等: gender-based inequality基于性别的分工: division of labour on the basis of sex基于性别的分析: gender-based analysis基于性别的歧视: discrimination on grounds of sex由于性别而遭遇的障碍: barriers because of gender不具基于性别的歧视: non-discrimination on the grounds of gender基于性别的报酬不平等: gender-based pay inequalities基于性别的陈规定型观念: gender-based stereotyping性别的: sexual; sig. signa爱的障碍: obstacles to love沟通的障碍: barriers to communication人为的障碍: artificial barriers提升的障碍: obstruction to lifting f同伦的障碍: obstruction to a homotopy位错的障碍: obstruction of dislocations因袭的障碍: a ~ of convention最大的障碍: biggest obstacle不分性别的: gender neutral单性别的: monosexual分性别的: sex-specific