- antagonism between town and country
- 城乡: town and country; city and c ...
- 对立: oppose; set sth. against; be ...
- 城乡: town and country; city and countryside; urban and rural 城乡并重 laying equal stress on the cities and the countryside; 这个城市是城乡的巧妙结合。 the city is a happy blending of town and country.; 城乡差别 difference [gap] between town and country; 城乡储蓄存款 urban and rural savings deposits; 城乡工业 rural and urban industry; 城乡调查 town and country survey; 城乡对立 antagonism between town and country; 城乡规划 town and country planning; 城乡集市贸易 trade in urban and rural peasant market; 城乡建设 town and country construction; 城乡结合 conbination of town and country; 城乡经济布局 distribution of urban and rural economies; 城乡居民 urban and rural residents; 城乡流通 circulation of goods between town and country; 城乡运输 urban-rural transport
- 对立: oppose; set sth. against; be antagonistic to; counterpose; contrasting 互相对立的意见 opinions opposite to each other; 两人之间的对立 the antagonism between the two men; 唯心论和唯物论是对立的。 idealism is opposite to materialism.; 对立词义 enantiosemy; 对立概念 opposite concept; 对立关系 antagonistic relations; 对立假设 alternative hypothsis; 对立垄断 bilateral monopoly; 对立情绪 antagonism; 对立物 antithesis; opposite; 对立形质 alleles (等位基因); 对立组 contrary class
- 车城乡: checheng township