埃: dust德: virtue; morals; moral charac ...蒙: the Mongol nationality阿尔: aal方: square里: in; inside阿尔方德里: alphandery海尔方德: helphand, alexander israel (lazarevitsch)方德里: fendry埃德蒙: bessie edmond; cakpo-tozo, edmond; edemond; edmont; edmund burke; edmund spenser; tracey edmunds埃德蒙多卡洛斯阿尔贝托: edmundo carlos alberto阿尔方: alfan; alfon; halfen; halphen; jean charles adolphe alphand内蒙阿尔山: arxan埃德蒙-詹森病: edmund-jensen disease埃德蒙巴顿: edmund barton埃德蒙伯克: edmund burke埃德蒙德: mulet-lesieur edmond auguste埃德蒙德尔: edmund dell埃德蒙顿: edmonton埃德蒙顿龙: edmontosaurus埃德蒙多: edmondo; fujita,edmundosussumu埃德蒙二世: king edmund ii the ironside埃德蒙格温: edmund gwenn埃德蒙梅尔: edmond maire埃德蒙欧文: edmund irvine