When it has all been read - mainly in greek , but sometimes in latin , hebrew , coptic , syriac , aramaic , arabic , nubian and early persian - the new material will probably add up to around five million words 这些文献主要用希腊语,但有时用拉丁语、希伯来语、古埃及语、古叙利亚语、亚拉姆语、阿拉伯语、努比亚语和早期波斯语,当人们读通所有文献后,新发现材料的总字数将达五百万字。
Current studies suggest that some of these symbols were retained in the later formalized indus script , much as ancient mesopotamian and egyptian symbols on pottery and clay tablets from around 3500 b . c . e . and 3200 b . c . e . , respectively , later found their way into cuneiform and hieroglyphic writing 最新的研究显示,这些符号中有些在日后正式的印度字母表中保留了下来,和公元前约3500年刻在陶器、泥版上的美索不达米亚语符号,以及公元前约3200年刻在陶器、泥版上的埃及语符号,几乎一样古老(后面两种语言符号后来分别发展成楔形文字和象形文字) 。