Mexican telecom mogul carlos slim helu last month blew past u . s . investor warren buffett to become the world " " s second - richest man with an estimated net worth of $ 53 . 1 billion 墨西哥电信巨头卡洛斯?萨利姆?埃卢上月以净资产531亿美元,超过美国富翁巴菲特成为全球第二富有的人。
Indian tycoon mukesh ambani yesterday jumped above bill gates and warren buffet , and their short - lived successor , mexican carlos slim helu , at the top of the rich tree as his personal fortune was put at nearly ? 31billion 昨天,印度大亨穆凯什"安巴尼以将近310亿英镑的个人资产超越了比尔"盖茨、沃伦"巴菲特和代替他们没多久的墨西哥人卡洛斯"斯利姆"埃卢,一跃成为世界首富。