埃: dust拜: make a courtesy call三重: tripling; ter; treble; three ...染液: dye liquor三重染色: triple staining三重染色法: triple staining马洛利三重染色法: mallory triple staining拜: Ⅰ动词1.(以礼会见) make a courtesy call 回拜 pay a return visit2.(崇拜) do obeisance 拜佛 worship the buddha at a temple; 膜拜 kowtow on knees3.(行礼祝贺) make a ceremonial call4.(拜访) call on; pay a visit 拜街坊 call on neighbours5.(用一定的礼节授与官职或某种名义) entitle sb. with ceremony 拜相 make or be made prime minister; 拜将[官] be conferred post6.(恭敬地与对方结成某种关系) formally establish or swear relationships 拜他为师 formally acknowledge him as one's master or teacher; take him as one's teacher; 结拜 be sworn brothersⅡ副词[敬] (用于人事往来) 拜恳 my humble request; 拜谢 humbly thank; express one's thanks; 拜领 humbly receive gifts; 你的新书已拜读了。 i have read your new book.Ⅲ名词(姓氏) a surname 拜武 bai wu重染: redye海三: kaizo埃: 名词1.(尘土) dust 尘埃 dust2.[物理学] (光线或辐射线波长单位) angstrom三重: tripling; ter; treble; threefold; triple; tri-◇三重唱 [音乐] (vocal) trio; 三重奏 [音乐] (instrumental) trio重染的: double dyed; double-dyed重染色: overdye海三郎: kaizaburo病毒;埃: ebv eb染液瓶: color solution bottle污染液: contaminating fluid轧染液: padding liquor史 沙 拜 克: wally szczerbiak二重染剂: double stain二重染色: duplicate stained二重染色法: double staining双重染色: double staining双重染色法: double staining