The explicit finite element method ( fem ) based on the varying time - step was selected to analyse the dynamic roll - pass process ; the nodes on the leading face of the steady - state elements set was extracted and projected onto a plane to give the required mesh , also called the origin mesh ; the implicit fem was selected to analyses the inter - pass transient thermal process ; a geometric part from the mesh was generated and meshed by using the quadrilateral elements , a heat transfer analysis was selected to transfer the node temperature data ; a new model was created by using hexahedral elements , mapping the node temperature and the equivalent plastic strain on the integration points 利用基于变步长中心差分格式的显式积分方法分析瞬态轧制过程;提取稳态单元集节点形成截面网格;利用隐式积分方法分析轧制道次间隙瞬态温度场;对型钢断面进行平面四边形网格划分并映射节点温度数据;利用六面体单元构建有限元分析模型,映射单元节点的温度、积分点的等效塑性应变,进行数值分析。