坯: base体: body; part of the body的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...入: enter窑: kiln温度: temperature回转窑温度曲线: kiln temperature profile进风入窑空气温度: incoming air temperature坯体: cla泥果,坯体: clay body; claybody陶坯体: earthenware body喷灰入窑: insufflation入窑回灰量: dust fed back into kiln system入窑煤量: external fuel amount of raw meal等离子体的临界温度: critical temperature of a plasma白粘土坯体: white body多孔坯体: porous body坯体制备: body preparation坯体着色剂: body stains陶瓷坯体: ceramic body匣钵坯体: saggar body粘土坯体: clay body钻头坯体: bit blank; blank bit体的: corporic; extremital切除坯体余泥: scrapping