坝址: damsite评价: appraise; evaluate; assess; ...坝址测量: dam site survey坝址倒滤层: toe filter坝址调查: site inspection坝址洪水: dam-site flood坝址勘测: site survey坝址勘查: dam site investigation; site exploration坝址勘探: site exploration坝址平面图: site plan坝址选择: dam site selection; selection of dam site坝址一览表: list of dam sites比较坝址: alternative site不经济坝址: uneconomic site待选坝址: proposed site; proposedsite废弃坝址: discarded site勘探坝址: site exploration考虑的坝址: considered site可能坝址: potential site; prospective site可能的坝址: potential site可取坝址: attractive site在利坝址: viable site评价: appraise; evaluate; assess; estimate; valuation 评价过低 rate sth. unreasonably low; 评价历史人物 appraise historical figures; judge of historic characters; 高度评价 set a high value on; speak highly of; highly appraise; 感官评价 organoleptic evaluation; 课程评价 course evaluation; 捧场的评价 a flattering review; 综合评价 overall evaluation; 总评价 summated evaluation; 评价与考试中心 evaluation and examination centre; 对某人的能力评价过高 set too high a valuation on sb.'s abilities; 作客观的评价 make an objective appraisal; 他高度评价了这一成就。 he rated the achievement high. 公众对他的评价很高。 he stands high in public estimation. 不要根据衣着来评价人。 don't evaluate people by their clothes坝址比较方案: alternative site条件优越的坝址: attractive site