坚: hard; solid; firm; strong的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...操守不坚的: fickle坚登: chandan坚德里亚科夫: tendriakov; tendryakov坚迪尔: chandil坚德拉湾: tendrovskiy zal坚蒂尔克: conturk坚德拉沙咀: tendrovskaya kosa坚蒂尔曼: centilmen坚德加济巴扎尔: chandgazi bazar坚定: 1.(稳定坚强) firm; staunch; steadfast 坚定的步伐 firm strides; 坚定的立场 a firm stand; 坚定正确的政治方向 firm and correct political orientation; 坚定的意志 constancy of purpose; 他是个聪明而又意志坚定的人。 he was a man of intelligence and of firmness of will.2.(使坚定) strengthen 坚定 ... 的决心 strengthen one's resolve to; 坚定信念 strengthen one's conviction坚德布尔: chandpur