An algorithm of adaptive post - processing to reduce the block artifacts in the block - based transform image coding techniques 一种减少块效应的自适应后处理算法
Experiment results show that the method can speed up the image encoding and remove the block offect 该算法能有效缩短编码时间、消除块效应、实现彩色图像快速分形编码。
Analyze deeply the reason of blocking effect , introduce and compare several measure criterions and theories and ways to reducing blocking effect 对块效应的产生进行了详细的分析,介绍并比较块效应的几种度量和消除方法。
2 ) processing image by using perona - malik equation evolves image to partly planar image . this is the main reason causing blocky effects 2 ) perona ? malik方程处理图像,是将图像向分块水平图像过渡,这是产生块效应的主要原因。
The blocking artifacts in space domain display horizontal line - shape effect , vertical line - shape effect and grid - shape effect in high frequency sub - bands of wavelet domain 图像空域中的块效应,在小波域高频子带表现为平行线效应、竖直线效应或者网格效应。