Returns null if called outside the scope of a catch block 如果在catch块作用域以外调用,则返回null 。
Error message may be called anywhere within the scope of a catch block Error _ message可以在catch块作用域内的任意位置调用。
Error information can be retrieved by using these functions from anywhere within the scope of the catch block 可以从catch块作用域内的任何位置使用这些函数检索错误消息。
In nested catch blocks , error line returns the error line number specific to the scope of the catch block in which it is referenced 在嵌套catch块中, error _ line返回特定于引用它的catch块作用域的错误行号。
In nested catch blocks , error number returns the error number specific to the scope of the catch block in which it is referenced 在嵌套的catch块中, error _ number返回特定于其被引用的catch块作用域的错误号。
块: piece; lump; chunk作用: act on; affect域: land within certain boundari ...作用域: owner scope; scope of effect; scopes; target scope本地作用域: local scope变量作用域: range of a variable; scope of variable; variable scope; variable size item词法作用域: lexical scope动态作用域: dynamic scope范域 [作用域: scope函数作用域: function scope静态作用域: static scope控制作用域: control scope类作用域: class scope量词作用域: scope of quantifier名字作用域: name scope; scope of name目标作用域: target scope前作用域: prescope嵌套作用域: nested scope全程作用域: global scope实体作用域: scope of entities说明作用域: scope of declaration外部作用域: scope of external文件作用域: file scope影响作用域: effect scope源作用域: source scope