

发音:   用"坐骨体"造句
  • body of ischium
  • corpora ossis ischii
  • corpus ossis ischii
  • ischiadic body
  • ischial body
  • 坐骨:    ischium; os ischii; ischio-; ...
  • :    body; part of the body
  • 骨体:    diaphysis; shaft
  • 坐骨:    ischium (pl. ischia); os ischii; ischio-; ischi-◇坐骨神经 sciatic nerve; 坐骨神经痛 sciatica; ischialgia; ischias; ischioneuralgia
  • 耻骨体:    corpora ossis pubis; corpus ossis pubis; pubic body


        坐骨:    ischium; os ischii; ischio-; ...
        :    body; part of the body
        骨体:    diaphysis; shaft
        坐骨:    ischium (pl. ischia); os ischii; ischio-; ischi-◇坐骨神经 sciatic nerve; 坐骨神经痛 sciatica; ischialgia; ischias; ischioneuralgia
        耻骨体:    corpora ossis pubis; corpus ossis pubis; pubic body
        尺骨体:    corpora ulnae; corpus ulnae; shaft of ulna
        蝶骨体:    body of sphenoid bone; corpora ossis sphenoidalis; corpus ossis sphenoidalalis; corpus ossis sphenoidalis
        跟骨体:    corpora calcanei; corpus calcanei
        骨干,骨体:    diaphysis,shaft
        股骨体:    corpora femoris; corpus femoris; corpus ossis femoris; shaft of femur; thighbone femoris
        距骨体:    body of talus; corpora tali; corpus tali
        肋骨体:    corpora costae; corpus costae; shaft of rib
        膜骨体:    spectrosomes
        幕骨体:    body of tentorium; body of the tentorium; bodyofthetentorium; corporotentorium; corpotentorium
        挠骨体:    shaft of radius
        舌骨体:    basihyoid; body of hyoid bine; body of hyoid bone; corpora ossis hyoidei; corpus ossis hyoidei; hyoid body
        锁骨体:    corpus claviculae; shaft of clavicle
        尾骨体:    coccygeal body; corpus coccygeum
        胸骨体:    body of sternum; body of the sternum; bodyofthesternum; corpora sterni; corpus sterni; gladiole; gladiolus; mesosternum; mesotsternum; sternal body
        掌骨体:    corpus metacarpalis; corpus ossis metacarpalis; corpus ossis metacarpalium; shaft metacarpal bone; shaft of metacarpal bone
        砧骨体:    body of incus; corpus incudis
        指骨体:    corpora phalangis; corpus phalangis digitorum manus; shaft of phalanx of fingers
        趾骨体:    corpus phalangis digitorum pedis; phalangeal shaft; shaft of phalanx of toes
        椎骨体:    body of vertebra; corpus vertebrae; the vertebral body; vertebral bodies; vertebral body
        桡骨体:    corpora radii; shaft of radius


  1. "坐骨神经痛综合征"英文
  2. "坐骨神经显露法"英文
  3. "坐骨神经炎"英文
  4. "坐骨神经阻滞麻醉"英文
  5. "坐骨神经腓肠肌标本"英文
  6. "坐骨痛风"英文
  7. "坐骨尾骨的"英文
  8. "坐骨尾骨肌"英文
  9. "坐骨尾骨肌白线,肛尾韧带"英文
  10. "坐骨细胞"英文


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