坐: sit; be seated; take a seat在: exist; be living火: fire旁: side坐在火药桶上: sit on a barrel of gun powder舒适地坐在火炉旁: happily ensconced by the fire with a good book小猫咪坐在火炉旁: russy cat sits beside the fire坐在火山上, 处境危险: sit on a volcano坐在火炉旁不停地缝著: sitting sewing by the fire(火旁+田)田和男: kazuo hatada在火上: on the fire在火中: into the fire蹲在火边: squat about the fire在火车上: aboard; in the train; on the train在火车站: at a railway station; at the railway station; at the station; at the train station在火炉边的: fireside在火炉旁: near the fireplace在火山下: under the volcano在火上叉烤: spit-roast包围在火舌中: enveloin flame; envelope in flames月台(在火车站的): platform在火车上,在船上: on board在火车上发问: asking questions on a train在火炉旁取暖: abask在火葬场工作: work as a funeral furnisher