坎: bank; ridge巴: hope earnestly; wait anxious ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...巴人: ba ren; hajin坎巴: camba; kamba; khampat本巴人: bembas昌巴人: chambas古巴人: cubans卢巴人: lubas塞巴人: sabaean; sabean希巴人: sabaean; sabean巴鲁巴人: baluba巴纳巴人: banabans古巴人口: demographics of cuba欧罗巴人种: europoid下里巴人: bubble gum music; “the song of the rustic poor”; a popular song; popular literature or art 现在是“阳春白雪”和“下里巴人”统一的问题。 the question now is to bring about a unity between “the spring snow” and “the song of the rustic poor”夏尔巴人: sherpa people约鲁巴人: yorubas埃坎巴: ekamba贝坎巴: bekamba恩坎巴: nkamba基坎巴: kikamba坎巴岛: kamba island坎巴多: cambado坎巴尔: kambar; kanbar