Integrated the characteristic of storage battery in the stand - alone photovoltaic system , the paper produces a valid method for the charging and discharging management : 1 ) the storage batteries are grouped in order to achieve the average - charging > the average - discharging and the quick - charging . 2 ) when the energy of photovoltaic array is full , capacity maintenance to the " illness " storage battery is taken . 3 ) under the current system condition , the time ( hours ) that the batteries continue to work is displayed 结合独立光伏系统中蓄电池工作特点,提出了对蓄电池组的充、放电管理的有效方法:采用分小组方法实现蓄电池小组进行均充、均放和快速充电;在光伏发电充足时对落后蓄电池进行容量恢复维护;给出在当前环境与负载条件下,蓄电池组所能持续工作的时间;同时适当时候采用维护充电,以延长电池寿命。
In the task , we utilize power electronics technology , controled technology and micro - electronics technology , adopt single - chip controlling a new intelligent thyristor power module ( itpm ) and realize the dc distributor shelf , it have four founctions ( strong charge , even charge , float charge , automatic charge , ) three long - distance control , alarm and intelligent display etc 课题利用电力电子技术、控制技术和微电子技术相结合,采用单片机控制一种新型的智能晶闸管模块( itpm )来实现,具有四种功能选择(强充、均充、浮充、自动) ,三遥(遥调、遥测、遥控)和上下限报警、智能显示等功能。
均: equal; even充: sufficient; full; ample均充电压: even charging voltage均充指示灯: even charge indicator平均充气: uniform charge强制均充: force an equalizing charge平均充电电流: mean charging current平均充油损失: average filling losses体循环平均充盈压: mean systemic filling pressure循环系平均充盈压: mean filling pressure of circulatory system; meanfillingpressureofcirculatorysystem循环系统平均充盈压: mean circulatory filling pre ure; mean circulatory filling pressure均翅亚目: damselfly均成 杨东根 金祖翰: come back均冲滤色镜: equaling filter均称线对法 均称线对法: methodofhomologouslinepair均川: junchuan均称线对法: method of homologous line pair均次: kinji均称线对 均称线对: homologouslinepair