

发音:   用"圾场"造句
  • dump
  • :    a level open space; threshin ...
  • 垃圾场:    crematorium; crematory; dump area; dump site; dumping ground; dumping place; dumping site (place); junkyard n. a place where old useless things are discarded; nuisance ground; open dump; refuse dump; refuse site; refuse tip; shoot; tipping of solid waste; tipping site; tophet; waste tip; wasteyard
  • 露天垃圾场:    open dump
  • 不压实的垃圾场:    uncompacted tip; uncompactedtip
  • 垃圾卸在市垃圾场:    throw the refuse in the garbage can


        :    a level open space; threshin ...
        垃圾场:    crematorium; crematory; dump area; dump site; dumping ground; dumping place; dumping site (place); junkyard n. a place where old useless things are discarded; nuisance ground; open dump; refuse dump; refuse site; refuse tip; shoot; tipping of solid waste; tipping site; tophet; waste tip; wasteyard
        露天垃圾场:    open dump
        不压实的垃圾场:    uncompacted tip; uncompactedtip
        垃圾卸在市垃圾场:    throw the refuse in the garbage can
        没有管理的垃圾场:    uncontrolled dump; uncontrolleddump
        卸料场,弃土场,排泥区,垃圾场:    dumping ground; dumping place; dumping site
        城市垃圾处理郴城市垃圾场:    municipal refuse disposal area
        圾垃的转运:    transfer of refuse
        击燧取水:    wring [get] water from a flint -- sheer impossibility; do the impossible
        :    Ⅰ名词1.(基础) base; foundation 坝基 the base of a dam; 奠基 lay a foundation; 房基 foundation (of a building); 路基 roadbed; bed2.[化学] (化合物的分子中所含的一部分原子, 被看做是一个单位时就叫基) radical; base; group 氨基 amino; amino-group; 羟基 hydroxyl group; 石蜡基 paraffin base; 自由基 free radicalⅡ形容词(起头的; 根本的) basic; key; primary; cardinal 基调 keynote; 基数 cardinal number
        击槌保险 更新:    hammer block
        基 碱 基础 炉底 贫矿:    base
        击槌保险:    hammer block
        基 (密歇根州):    mackinac county, michigan
        击楫中流:    vow to annihilate the rebels
        基 (拓):    base (topology)
        击宕:    set


  1. "击宕"英文
  2. "击楫中流"英文
  3. "击槌保险"英文
  4. "击槌保险 更新"英文
  5. "击燧取水"英文
  6. "圾垃的转运"英文
  7. "基"英文
  8. "基 碱 基础 炉底 贫矿"英文
  9. "基 (密歇根州)"英文
  10. "基 (拓)"英文


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