场: a level open space; threshin ...灯: lamp; lantern; light广场灯: square lamp进场灯: aerodrome approach lights; entrance lights绕场灯: circling guidance lightsa字形进场灯: configuration a approach lights机场灯标: aerodrome light beacon; airdrome beacon; airport beacon机场灯光: aerodrome light; airfield lights; airport lighting机场灯塔: aerodrome beacon进场灯光: approach light进场灯支柱: approach light pole机场灯光设备: aerodrome lihgt; airfield lighting facility; airport lihgt进场灯光系统: approach light system; approach-lithting system直升机场灯标: heliport beacon直升机场灯光: heliport lighting进场灯目视高度: approach light contact height第二类进场灯光系统: category ii components of approach lighting system进场灯光系统之横排灯: crossbar (xbar)场地: area; yard; space; place; site; court; field 本方场地 home ground [court]; 比赛场地 competition arena; ground; court; 对方场地 away ground [court]; 交换场地 change sides; 施工场地 construction site; 倾倒垃圾的场地 a dumping ground (for refuse); 在整洁的工厂场地上 in the well-kept factory ground; 草莓应该种在向阳的场地。 strawberries should have a sunny place. 因场地有限, 他们只展出了部分产品。 they displayed only a part of their products because space was limited.; 场地工作人员 yardman; 场地使用权 right to the use of a site; 场地条件 site condition; 场地选择 site selection场的耦合: coupling between fields场地, 庭院, 理由, 渣滓, 沉淀物: grounds场的形而上学: metaphysics of presence场地;合成物: compound场的散度: divergence of field场地边界: site boundary场的理论: theory of fields