Such amplitude variations would be predicted on the basis of principles governing seismic velocities in heterogeneous media . 按照在非均匀介质内确定地震速度的原理,应能预测这样的振幅变化。
Proved by the model data , the studied method can be applied to study the feasibility of time - lapse seismic . the software for model establishment not only can be applied for complex model with a good precision , but also can change the velocity in the special formation with a gradient 时移地震速度模型建立程序不仅能建立复杂的速度模型,而且精度要高,并且根据研究的需要,速度在任意层能在横向上和纵向上按规定梯度变化,这是常规地震勘探速度模型建立程序所不能办到的。
地震速度的法语:célérité des ondes sismiques vitesse de propagation des ondes sismiques vitesse sismique地震速度的俄语:скорость сейсмических волн地震速度的阿拉伯语:السرعة الزلزالية;