

发音:   用"地球内部"造句
  • bowels of the earth
  • earth interior
  • earth s interior
  • earthinterior
  • earths interior
  • entrails of earth
  • interior of the earth
  • interioroftheearth


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Unquestionably the interior of the earth is hot .
  2. He discussed the propagation of waves through the earth's interior .
  3. In the study of the earth's interior it is assumed to be valid .
  4. Artificially applied currents were dispensed with entirely and natural earth currents used instead there .
  5. The heat released from chemical reactions in its interior has no significance for the heat balance of the earth .


        地球:    the earth; the globe
        内部:    interior; inside; inward; in ...
        地球内部学:    plutology
        地球内部磁场:    internal geomagnetic field
        地球内部构造:    interior structure of the earth
        地球内部组成:    earth internal constitution
        地震描绘地球内部:    earthquakes: mapping the earth’s interior
        国际地震学和地球内部物理学协会:    aispit
        国际地震学与地球内部物理学协会:    iaspei international association of seismology & physics of the earth′s interior; international association of seismology and physics of the earth's interior; international association of seismology and physics of theearth's interior
        国际地震与地球内部物理学协会:    iaspei
        国际火山学和地球内部化学协会:    international association of volcanology and chemistry of the earth's interior
        国际火山学及地球内部化学协会:    iavcei; international association of volcanology and chemsitry of the earth's interior
        国际火山学与地球内部化学协会:    iavcei
        苍白球内部:    internal part of globus pallidus
        地球内核:    inner core of earth
        地球内力:    internal earth force
        视神经球内部:    pars intraocularis nervi optici
        眼球内部结构:    internal structures of eyeball
        地球的内部:    inside the earth
        地球内热引起的地温异常:    intrinsic ground temperature anomaly
        眼球内:    intraocular tension; intra-oculartension; intraocular
        内部:    interior; inside; inward; indoor; depth; viscera; bowel; internal 内部联系 internal relations; 国家内部事务 the domestic affairs of a country; 人民内部矛盾 contradictions among the people; 事物的内部规律性 inherent laws of a thing; 堡垒是最容易从内部攻破的。 the easiest way to capture a fortress is from within.; 内部比率 internal ratio; 内部电话 house telephone; interphone; 内部结构 inwards; internal structure; [化学] inner structure; 内部刊物 restricted publication; 内部冷却 internal cooling; 内部矛盾 inner [internal] contradictions [conflicts]; 内部潜力 internal potential; 内部屈折 [语言学] internal flexion; internal inflexion; 内部缺陷 internal defect; 内部审计 internal audit; 内部消息 inside story; restricted news; 内部装修 inside finish
        地球:    the earth; the globe◇地球扁率 compression [flattening] of the earth; 地球扁球体 earth spheroid; 地球变化磁场 variable magnetic field of the earth; 地球表面 earth surface; 地球波导 terrestrial waveguide; 地球测绘电子学 geometronics; 地球长半径 earth major radius; 地球成因学 geogony; 地球磁极 earth magnetic pole; geomagnetic pole; magnetic poles; 地球大气 earth atmosphere; 地球电导率 earth's electric conductivity; 地球短半径 earth minor radius; 地球飞船 earth spaceship; 地球公转 revolution of the earth; 地球轨道 [天文学] earth's orbit; 地球基本磁场 fundamental magnetic field of the earth; 地球结构 earth's structure; 地球科学 earth science; geoscience; 地球科学家 geoscientist; 地球空间 terrestrial space; geospace; 地球力学 geomechanics; 地球密度 earth density; 地球模型 earth model; terella; terrella; 地球末日 geocide; 地球内部 earth interior; 地球内部磁场 internal geomagnetic field; 地球内核 earth inner core; 地球起源 origin of the earth; 地球清洁日 earth day; 地球清洁周 earth week; 地球曲率 earth curvature; 地球人 terran; 地球日 earth day; 地球同步轨道 earth-synchronous orbit; 地球同步通讯卫星 geostatic telecommunications satellite; 地球同步卫星 geostationary satellite; synchronous satellite; geopause; 地球椭圆体 earth ellipsoid; 地球纬度 terrestrial latitude; 地球卫星 earth satellite; 地球物理场 geophysical field; 地球物理学 geophysics; 地球学 geonomy; earth science; 地球引力 gravity; gravitational attraction; 地球有效半径 effective earth's radius; 地球中心说 geocentricism; 地球自由振荡 earth free oscillation; 地球自转 earth rotation
        放置球内:    sphere
        球内晶体:    iol intraocular lens



  1. "地球模拟者"英文
  2. "地球模型"英文
  3. "地球末日"英文
  4. "地球末日记"英文
  5. "地球目标"英文
  6. "地球内部磁场"英文
  7. "地球内部构造"英文
  8. "地球内部学"英文
  9. "地球内部组成"英文
  10. "地球内核"英文


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