- osiris
- 地狱: inferno; hell
- 判官: an assistant to the chief lo ...
- 判官: 1.(唐宋时期辅助地方长官处理公事的官) (in the tang and song dynasties) an assistant to the chief local official2.(迷信传说中阎王手下管生死簿的官) (in superstitious legend) the official in charge of the life-and-death register under the king of hell
- 地狱: inferno; hell 人间地狱 a hell on earth; living hell; 宁在地狱为王, 不在天堂为臣。 [谚语] better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.; 地狱恐怖 hadephobia; 地狱潜鸟 hell-diver
- 裁判官: judge; magistrates; praetor; referee