地板: floor board floor上: upper; up; upward的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...导轨: guides; track; guide rail; l ...地板上的地毯: a carpet on the floor地板上的几何学: geometry on the floor地板上的深积水: heavy water厨房地板上的泥脚印: muddy footprints on the kitchen floor座垫的导轨: rail地板上跳舞: dance on a floor放在地板上: i'll keep it on my floor在地板上: on the floor坐在地板上: sit on the floor装在地板上的带槽的润滑脂供给器: floor-type gun米的导轨部分: linear rail被扔在地板上: are lyin on the floor地板上清洁口: floor cleanout都躺在地板上: are lyin' on the floor依然在地板上: are lyin' on the floor在地板上打蜡: wax a wooden floor把水泼在地板上: splash water on the floor赤身躺在地板上: lying naked on the floor地板上絮状沉淀: floor flock都倒在了地板上: and we fell to the floor在浴室的地板上: bangin' on the bathroom floor