地方: place; space; room公路: highway税: tax; duty; tallage; due地方公路: local highway公路税: highway tax; toll of road地方公路和街道局手册: bureau of local roads and streets manual地方公路和街道交通标志养护: maintenance of signs and sign supports for local roads and streets地方公路分类和州的公路分类之间的协调: coordination of local road classification with the state highway system classification地方公产: communal property地方公库: local public treasury; municipal treasury地方公务员: local public service employee地方公债: local government debt地方公债券: local securities养路税, 公路维持税: highway maintenance tax地方公共事业: local community project地方公共团体: local public body地方公共卫生: civil affair public health地方公立学校: council school {country school地方公营公司: municipal corporation路税: road tax; transit tax地方公立中等学校: council secondary school {country secondary school地方公用事业借款: local public utility loan国家与地方公共财政: state and local public finance日本地方公共团体编号: community identification number日本地方公共团体列表: list of cities in japan