地政: administrative affairs of th ...工: worker; workman; the working ...务: affair; business司: take charge of; attend to; m ...地政工务科: lands and works branch地政工务会议: lands and works conference地政工务小组: lands and works panel地政工务部门体育活动委员会: lands and works grousports committee地政: administrative affairs of the utilization and requisition of land政工科: political work section工务处: job office; maintenance department; the engineering department工务局: dpw; environment, transport and works bureau; public works department; works bureau工务科: maintenance; works branch地政部: land division地政处: lands administration office地政室: land registry地政组: land section; land team财务司: fca; financedivision; treasury division防务司: defence department; defence division税务司: customs commissioner; tax division业务司: operation division医务司: medical services division帐务司: account division; accounts division政务司: secretary for city and new territories administration总务司: department for general administration; dept of general affairs; division of general services; general affairs department