

发音:   用"地幔地震"造句
  • mantle earthquake
  • 地幔:    Earth mantle; mantle
  • 地震:    earthquake; earthshock; eart ...
  • 地幔:    [地质学] (介于地壳和地核之间的部分) earth mantle; (the earth's) mantle◇地幔对流 mantal convection; 地幔热缕 mantle plume; plume; 地幔涌流 mantal plume; 地幔柱 mantle plume
  • 地幔;盖:    mantle
  • 地幔层:    mantle reservoir


        地幔:    Earth mantle; mantle
        地震:    earthquake; earthshock; eart ...
        地幔:    [地质学] (介于地壳和地核之间的部分) earth mantle; (the earth's) mantle◇地幔对流 mantal convection; 地幔热缕 mantle plume; plume; 地幔涌流 mantal plume; 地幔柱 mantle plume
        地幔;盖:    mantle
        地幔层:    mantle reservoir
        地幔氦:    mantle helium
        地幔流:    mantle current
        地幔岩:    pyrolite
        地幔羽:    mantle plume
        地幔柱:    mantle plume
        古地幔:    palaeomantle
        内地幔:    inner mantle
        上地幔:    earth upper mantle; peridotite shell; upper mantle
        外地幔:    exo-mantle; outer mantle
        下地幔:    lower mantle; mesosphere
        地震:    [地球物理] earthquake; earthshock; earthdin; temblor; seism 国家地震局 the state bureau of seismology; 急速地震 tachyseism; 预报地震 predict earthquake; 火山地震 volcanic earthquake; 多地震地区 a land of earthquake; 地震有时会摧毁整个城市。 an earthquake sometimes destroys whole cities. 日本时常遭受地震之苦。 japan often suffers from earthquakes.; 地震保险 earthquake insurance; 地震报告 seismological bulletin; 地震长期预报 long-term earthquake forecast; 地震成因 origin of earthquake; 地震带 earthquake zone; seismic belt; seismic zone; 地震短期预报 short-term earthquake forecast; 地震工作者 seismologist; 地震观测 seismological observation
        大陆地幔:    continental mantle
        地壳-地幔边界:    crust mantle boundary
        地幔-地核界面:    mantle-core boundary
        地幔-熔体体系:    mantle-melt system
        地幔底辟:    mantle diapir
        地幔底部:    bottom of mantle
        地幔对流:    mantle convection; mantleconvection
        地幔对流柱:    mantle convection plume
        地幔鼓胀:    mantle bulge; mantle tomour


  1. "地幔;盖"英文
  2. "地幔层"英文
  3. "地幔底辟"英文
  4. "地幔底辟构造"英文
  5. "地幔底部"英文
  6. "地幔对流"英文
  7. "地幔对流柱"英文
  8. "地幔鼓胀"英文
  9. "地幔规模的对流"英文
  10. "地幔过渡带"英文


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