Spatial variation of organic matter in horizontal zonal soils in china 我国水平地带性土壤中有机质的空间变化特征
In chinese soil taxonomy the soils of the tropical and subtropical china could be grouped into ferrisols and ferralisols 据此,这一区域的地带性土壤主要是富铁土和铁铝土。
From 1950s , geographical - genetic classification theory originated from the former soviet union exerted its extreme impact on soil classification of china 在地理发生分类体系中,按生物气候气候条件,热带、亚热带地带性土壤分别为燥红土、红壤、黄壤、赤红壤和砖红壤。
There are higher potassium and calcium carbonate content , larger ph , lower organic matter , nitrogen and phosphoric . compared sandy soil with zonal soil , mechanical composition is coarsal , there are no substance leaching . 3 土壤钾素、碳酸钙和ph值较高,有机质和氮、磷养分贫乏,风沙土与地带性土壤相比,机械组成明显粗化,物质未发生淋溶淀积。
The results showed that : various soil textures had different fractal dimensions , the fractal dimensions of psd of soils increased with soil texture fining ; from west to east , from north to south and from southwest to northeast , there were decreasing tendencies in the fractal dimensions of psd of soils ; and the parental materials had evident influences on the fractal dimensions of psd of soils 结果表明,不同质地的分形维数存在一定的差异,分形维数随土壤质地的变细而增大;由北至南、由西向东和由西南至东北,我国主要地带性土壤的分形维数逐渐递增;成土母质对土壤质地分形维数有很大影响,易风化母质上发育的土壤质地分形维数高于难风化母质上发育的土壤。