地图: map单位: unit容限: tolerance; allowance地图单位: maunits图单位: map unit相位容限: phase margin编图单位: compilation unit标图单位: mapping unit填图单位: mapping unit制图单位: cartographic unit; chartographic unit; drawing unit单位容积: unit volume单位容量: unit capacitance; unit capacity地图容限: matolerance编图单位;编译单位: compilation unit单位容积变化: unit volume change单位容积功率: power per unit of volume单位容积重量: unit capacity weight色容限单位: colour tolerance unit单位容积含沙量: spatial concentration of sediment单位容积碰撞频率: collision frequency per unit volume单位容量安装成本: installation cost as per machine capacity单位容量机组功率: unit capacity立窑单位容积产量: production of shaft kiln for unit volume炉子的单位容量: specific furnace capacity相补角, 允许相位失真, 相位容限[余量: phase margin