- status leader
- 地位: position; standing; place; s ...
- 领袖: leader
- 职位领袖: positional leader
- 领袖: leader 公认的领袖 an acknowleged leader; 杰出的领袖 a distinguished leader; 领袖人物感人的超凡魅力 charisma; 天生的领袖 a born leader; 危急存亡之际常能产生天才的领袖。 great crises often call forth gifted leaders
- 地位: 1.(人或团体在社会关系中所处的位置) position; standing; place; status 地位平等 equal in status; on an equal footing; 国际地位 international standing; 经济地位 economic status; 领导地位 leading position; 保持国际金融中心的地位 retain the status of an international financial centre; 这个地区的战略地位和经济地位变得越来越重要了。 this region is becoming increasingly important both strategically and economically.2.(人或物所占的地方) place 体育运动在他的生活中没有地位。 sports never had a place in his life.; 地位级 locality class; site class