He was left to the tender mercies of the landlord . 他大受地主的虐待。
Then one night wolves got into the pasture and mangled the landowner's flock of sheep . 一天晚上,狼群冲进牧场,咬伤了地主的羊群。
Exploited by landlords, they were poor, ignorant, and, like the italians, were one-fourth to one-half illiterate . 由于受地主的剥削,他们是贫穷和愚昧的,并且象意大利人一样,有四分之一到一半人是文盲。
The rising merchant class replaced the landed groups, buying their agricultural holdings and making them efficient and profitable . 新兴的商人阶级取代了地主集团,他们买下了地主的田地,并因经营得法而大获其利。
The power of the landowners waned during this period 这一时期地主的势力削弱了