在: exist; be living酒吧间: bar; barroom里: in; inside醉汉: drunkard; drunken man的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...吵闹: wrangle; kick up a row din; ...在酒吧间: in the bar在酒吧间不再售酒的时候: during times when alcohol may no longer be sold in bars酒吧间: bar; barroom 大众酒吧间 the public bar; 鸡尾酒酒吧间 a cocktail bar; 私用酒吧间 the private bar; 酒吧间服务员 waiter at the bar; 酒吧间高凳 barstool在酒吧: at a bar; ordering at pubs; unit sixteen at the bar大众酒吧间: the public bar酒吧间,酒室。: taproom酒吧间高凳: barstool酒吧间门: bar door酒吧间女: barmaid私用酒吧间: the private bar戏院酒吧间: crush bar在酒吧里: at a bar鸡尾酒酒吧间: a cocktail bar酒吧间的圆凳: bar stool酒吧间服务员: waiter at the bar酒吧间经营人: saloon keeper俱乐部酒吧间: the club bar小客栈酒吧间: bierstube在酒吧里交友: making friends at a bar