在: exist; be living某: certain; some上: upper; up; upward乱花钱: spend money extravaga乱花钱: diinto one's purse在少女身上乱花钱的老色迷: sugar daddy在某事上意见不同: differ with on sth把注意力集中在某事上: localize attention upon sth在某事上和某人妥协: compromise with sb on sth在某事上花费时间,金钱: spend money/time on sth乱花钱, 挥金如土: make the money fly未得到某物, 在某事上不成功, 失去机会: miss out on sth某事上出问题: something goes wrong乱花: throw away把思想移到某事上,把注意力转向某事上: turn one's mind to something花时间、精力在某件事上: spend … on花钱: pay for cost; spend…on sth./in doing sth take把整天的时间用于某事上: make a day of it某事上出问题,出现差错: something goes wrong; something goo es wron zct g沉浸在某事当中: lose oneself in sth意为“在某事物方面: in terms of在某事发展过程中: in the scheme of things在某事物上下工夫: to work on something在某事物掩护下: under cover of sth concealed by sth在某事物的终结时在场: be in at the finish be present at the end of sth