在: exist; be living已经: already失去: lose意义: meaning; sense; purport的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...问题: question; problem上: upper; up; upward力气: physical strength; effort失去意义: dwindle真实交际意义的问题: real questions你已经失去我了: you have lost me edward.and ive lost you我的感觉已经失去: and my senses have all but gone我已经失去了你: i’ve lost you我已经失去了所有: i've lost everything everything这些记忆都失去意义: and these memories lose their meaning不花力气: facts speak louder than words我们已经失去这可爱的人: loveliness we've lost月亮已经失去了她的记忆: has the moon lost her memory需要花力气的: paleontologist paleontologist失去意识: unconscious失去意识的: unconscious即将失去和已经失去复合体: giving-up given-up complex不要想要那些你已经失去的东西: don’t feel like you’ve lost也许我已经失去了那最致命的所有: maybe i overlooked something fatal for me小女孩在具体的问题上总是犹豫不决: little girls double-dutch on the concrete