在: exist; be living合适: suitable; appropriate; becom ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...位置: seat; place; location; site不在合适的位置: out of place不在合适的位置,格格不入的: out of place不在合适的位置;不恰当的: out of place在合适的位置;适当的,相称的: in place合适的位置: good place在合适的时机: at the right time在合适的时间: at the right time在合适地位置: in place不在合适位置, 不合适: out of place及时,迅速:在合适的一段时间内: in good time在合适的时候做某事: do sth. at the right time他在政界谋到了一个合适的位置最初奥黛丽: he found his niche in politics你是否曾经感觉不在合适的地方: do you ever feel out of place合适的: adequate; advisable; applicable; apposite - extraneous; b.appropriate; be suitable for; befitting; c.decent; comely; comportable; congruent; convenient; decent (from); desirable; eligible; expedient; favourable; feasible; kosher; meet - inappropriate / unsuitable; pat; proper; suitable不合适的: ill-suited; improper; inadequate; inapposite; inappropriate; indecent; inept; unapt; unbecoming; unbefitting; unsuitable大小合适的: sizeable对…合适的: suitable for/to方便的;合适的: convenient合格的,合适的: eligible合适的, 适当的: becoming合适的,适当的: suitable