在: exist; be living一个: one; a; an漆黑: pitch-dark; pitch-black; jet ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...沙漠: desert; areg; koum; thar; er ...公路: highway我: I; my; me头发: hair; pile; hair on human he ...在一个漆黑漆黑的城里: in a dark,dark town凉风吹过我的头发: warm smell of colitas凉风吹散了我的头发: on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair乌黑的头发: dark hair how一个漆黑没有星星的夜晚: a black starless night行驶在昏黑的荒漠公路上: cool wind in my hair漆黑的: as black as my hat; as black as pitch; as black as your hat; coalblack; ebony; inky; pitch-black; pitch-dark; pitchy当我在做我的头发: as i'm doing my hair请把我的头发剃短: cut me short我的头发好乱了: my hair's a mess漆黑的眼睛: ebony eyes漆黑的夜: black night; night of the raven漆黑的夜晚: a pitch black night我的头发长得很长了: my hair has grown very long我做我的头发能击下来: with my ragtodown so my hair can blow个人在一个组织中的头衔。: jobtitle多彩的沙漠: painted desert