圣诞: the birthday of Jesus Christ花圈: wreath; torse圣诞花: poinsettia圣诞花环: christmas wreath花圈: (floral) wreath; torse 丧礼花圈 funeral wreath; 向革命烈士墓献花圈 place a wreath at the tomb of a revolutionary martyr花冠 花圈: wreath花环,花圈: wreth献花圈: lay a wreath绣花圈: embroidering hoop; embroidery hoop圣诞: the birthday of jesus christ 恭贺圣诞! a merry christmas to you!; 圣诞贺片 christmas card; 圣诞老人 santa claus [klaus]; father christmas; 圣诞树 christmas tree戴以花圈: engarland敬辞花圈: no flowers (讣文用语)敬献花圈: lay a wreath丧礼花圈: funeral wreath饰以花圈: engarland天然花花圈: wreaths of natural flowers献花圈仪式: wreath laying (placing) ceremony以花圈装饰: wreathe作成花圈: wreathe从花店订购花圈: order a wreath from the florist类似花圈的装饰: garland圣诞版: chicken shoot xmas edition; n70&n72圣诞柴: yule log圣诞岛: kiritimati; territory of christmas island圣诞灯: christmas lamp/light