圣: holy; sacred若: like; seem; as if望: look over; gaze into the dis ...拉: cut; slash; slit特: particular; special; excepti ...朗: light; bright大殿: audience hall main hall of a ...圣若望: john the evangelist圣若望巴拉: so joo de barra圣若望大学: st. john's university圣若望瑞: so josé del rey圣若望鲍思高: john bosco圣若望匹亚威: so joo do piauhy圣若望宗徒堂: st. john the apostle church大殿: 1.(封建王朝举行庆典、 接见大臣或使臣等的殿) audience hall2.(寺庙中供奉主要神佛的殿) main hall of a buddhist temple滨海拉特朗什: la tranche sur mer; la tranche-sur-mer拉特朗布拉德: la tremblade若望: john永大殿: timeless halls特朗: terrao; theurant; thlang; trans; trent; trone朗大忠: lang dazhong汤若望: johann adam schall von bell; tang ruowang王若望: wang ruowang灵鹤派大殿: h00u欧佐夫大殿: orzhov basilica