和: mix; blend普: general; universal林: forest; woods; grove西: west比: 2总统: president圣多美和普林西比: democratic republic of sao tome and principe; san.tome and principe; sao tome e principe; so tomé e príncipe; st sao tome and principe; t sao tome &principe圣多美[圣多美和普林西比: sao tome多布拉(圣多美和普林西比): dobra圣多美和普林西比239: sao tome and principe圣多美和普林西比地图: saotome and principe圣多美和普林西比多布拉: std圣多美圣多美和普林西比西非: san tome圣多美和普林西比航空公司: air sao tome e principe; linhas aereas de sao tome and principe圣多美和普林西比解放委员会: comite de liberacao de sao tome e principe; committee for the liberation of sao tome and principe圣多美和普林西比解放运动: mlstp; movement for the liberation of sao tome and principe; movimento de libertacao de san tome e principe圣多美和普林西比司法机构: judiciary of sao tome and principe圣多美和普林西比政府政务秘书长: secretary of the government of sao tome圣多美和普林西比政府政务助理秘书: assistant secretary of the government of圣多美岛和普林西比岛: sao tome and principe圣多美和普林斯比: san tome & principe圣多美及普林西比: sao tome and principe; sao tome e principe圣多美普林西比: democratic republic of so tomé and príncipe; sao tomeprincipe; the republic of sao tome and principe圣多美与普林西比: st sao tome and principe; st thomas prince圣多美和普: sao tome