圣: holy; sacred堂: hall; room武士: palace guards in ancient tim ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...力量: physical strength ability; p ...圣堂武士的力量-神圣盔甲: templar"s might-sacred armor圣堂武士的心灵风暴: psionic storm黑圣堂武士: dark templar圣堂武士: templar圣堂武士、电兵: templar圣堂武士盾: a templar shield圣武士的力量光环: might圣堂武士,光明圣堂武士: high templar暗黑圣堂武士: dark templar高级圣堂武士: high templar黑暗圣堂武士: dark templar圣堂武士肩甲: b templar shoulder armor圣堂武士头盔: eb templar helm圣堂武士外袍: templar coat; xlt圣堂武士专区: hell gate:london断剑 圣堂武士之影: broken sword - the shadow of the templars断剑-圣堂武士之迷: broken sword-the shadow of the templars圣堂武士档案馆: templar archives圣堂武士右护肩: ea templar right shoulder圣堂武士左护肩: e templar left shoulder