澳洲土著人: abo=aboriginal土著人民: indigenous people土著人研究: native studies澳大利亚土著人: australian aborigines波多黎各土著人民: boricua国际土著人民日: international day for indigenous people世界土著人国际年: international year of the orld's indigenous people世界土著人理事会: wcip; world council of indigenous peoples土著人民常设论坛: permanent forum for indigenous people土著人民工作组: workgrouon indigenous peoples土著人民委员会: indigenous people's commission亚洲土著人民同盟: asia indigenous peoples pact厄瓜多尔土著人联合会: de nacionalidades indigenas del ecuador加拿大土著人委员会: native council of canada南非土著人国民大会: south african native national congress土著人民权利国际监察员: international ombudsman for indigenous rights土著人民信托理事会: council of trust for the indigenous people土著人民争取权利联盟: alliance for the rights of indigenous一种土著人编织的筐: dilly bag关于实现土著人民可持续和无害环境: technical conference on practical关于土著人民的特性和权利的协定: acuerdo sobre identidad y derechos de los pueblos indigenas老调最甜美,土著人烤食美女我的英语就: old tunes are sweetest and old friends are surest联合国资助举办世界土著人民: advisory grouof the un voluntary fund全印度土著人民事务协商会议: all-india consultation of indigenous土著权利协定: agreement on the identity and rights of indigenous peoples agreement on indigenous rights土著区系: indigenous flora