土壤: soil; ground; pedogenesis; p ...总: assemble; gather; put togeth ...含水量: moisture content; water cont ...土壤总水量: holard总含水量: total water content土壤含水量: soil moisture content, soil water content; soilmoisturecontent灌前土壤含水量: antecedent soil water content前期土壤含水量: antecedent wetness土壤含水量常数: soil moisture constant土壤含水量指数: moisture index土壤离心含水量: centrifugal moisture of soil土壤毛细含水量: field capacity; field carrying capacity; fieldcapacity; fieldcarryingcapacity土壤前期含水量: antecedent soil water土壤最优含水量: optimum soil moisture土壤总容积: soil total volume用干燥法测定集料总含水量的试验方法: standard test method for total evaporable moisture content of aggregate by drying土壤含水曲线土壤深度与含水量的关系: moisture content profile灌水后土壤中含水量: after-irrigation moisture content of soil土壤盐度及含水量测定仪: field soil volume weight tester振锤测定土壤含水量法: vibrating hammer method含水量: [力学] moisture content; water content; primage (例如蒸汽、雾、云中的)◇含水量测定计 drimeter总含水饱和度: total water saturation持水量;含水量;含水率: humidity ratio安全含水量: safety water content饱和含水量: saturated water content; saturation capacity; saturation moisture content