His face was almost round and his head was round and set close on his shoulders . 他的脸盘差不多是滚圆的,脑袋也是圆圆的,紧挨在肩膀上。
His black hair fine as floss silk, hung in glossy curls about his round dimpled face . 他圆圆的脸蛋上有一对酒窝,头上覆盖着一圈圈光滑,鬈曲、细如绢丝的黑发。
In his opinion, the worthy man was a terrible fellow, despite his gentle plump face . 据他说,这位高贵的人物,不要只看他那个圆圆的和蔼面孔,实在是一个可怕的东西。
Everything in her person was round and replete, though without those accumulations which suggest heaviness . 她身上的一切都圆圆的,显得饱满,然而并不给人以笨重的肥胖感觉。
She approached the marquee, fanning herself with her handkerchief, but with exultation sparkling in her round eyes . 她到帐篷前面站住的时候,因为太热了,用手绢当扇子扇着,可是,一双圆圆的眼睛却闪着狂欢的光辉。