Magelis xbt g graphic terminals come with a monochrome or colour touchscreen in a range of sizes from 5 to 12 inches Magelisxbtg图形终端提供5至12英寸系列规格的单色或彩色触摸显示屏。
The terminal is configured with telemecanique s vijeodesigner vjd spul software , which operates under windows 采用te电器的运行在windows环境下的vijeodesignervjdspul软件对xbtg图形终端进行组态。
Deltabrowser can satisfy the requirements of typical application in information appliance , and has been applied successfully in web phones , pda , smartphone , and so on 此外,论文阐述deltabrowser实现情况,展示在网络电话、 pda和图形终端等环境中的成功应用案例。