A new standardization method is proposed to solve the problem of the distorted image recognition , which is that the image ' s centroid was gotten based on the pixels total value of the whole image , and then the largest apothem and the rotated angle were obtained by the distance of the centroid and the image brim , last the object and the reference image adjusted the entirely same images in the scale and the rotated angle according to the uniform standardization 由此,提出了基于图像质心和最长边的归一化图像处理新算法:根据图像像素总值求取图像质心,根据质心和图像边缘轮廓点之间的长度求出图像的最长边和旋转角度,然后根据统一标准将目标图像和参考图像调整至同一长度和旋转方向的完全相同的图像。
To obtain digital image , the environment around robot is captured by optical lens and then digitized into a digital image ; then the digital image will be adjusted by using geometrical transform and image transform , which will be easier to be identified and processed , and some important characters will be abstracted ; finally the vision system find out the target based on the processed image 在数字图像获取部分,机器人周围的场景通过光学成像和数字化被转换成数字图像;在预处理阶段,系统通过几何变换、图像调整等对数字图像进行初步的调整,使之成为易于识别和处理的图像;在特征提取部分,系统对图像进行抽象化;在识别部分,系统对图像特征进行处理,进而在图像中找出需要识别的目标,确定其身份并进行定位。