The method of recovery is built from the principle of the perspective project and the direction of the cylinder ' s axis is recovered 在进行图像恢复的时候,利用图像形成过程中三维空间的透视投影变换规则得到圆柱体投影性质,识别出圆柱体投影图像中实体轴在三维空间中的方向。
We provided a new method that tried to transform the whole image to featured space and facilitated identification and self - elimination of disturbance according to the hue and luminosity features of eyes of human being . we gave the definition and description of the transformed space . a wavelet - texture filter was designed to distill space - transform - based feature of the image itself was executed 根据人眼对颜色、亮度等不同的敏感性以及图像本身的性质,仿人眼变换域分析图像形成光学滤色镜效果,减少复杂背景颜色和相似形状的多重干扰,并以此定义和表征变换域特征空间,给出变换域小波纹理车牌特征,成功提取车牌字符区域; 2